Aftercare Detailed
Non-Oral Piercings
You may start your aftercare routine the morning after your piercing has been done. Remember, the goal to clean any piercing correctly is to irrigate the area with sterile wound wash. Do not feel like the solution needs to get into the piercing hole or soak for any amount of time.
(Spray your piercing thoroughly with your saline 1x a day)
First take a shower while keeping your new adornment in mind. Avoid getting products onto/into your piercing site as much as possible.
Rinse thoroughly.
Next, spray the pierced area with the NeilMed Wound Wash for just a few seconds. Do not move your jewelry or the area around your piercing while you're spraying your wound wash. (The goal here is to remove any debris from the area, not to soak.)
Finally, dry the pierced area with either a blow dryer on a cool or low warm setting, or you may fan the area with your hands/a piece of paper.
That's it! super easy, huh?!
Oral Piercings
You may start your aftercare routine immediately.
Switch out any whitening oral care products for a less abrasive version. Biotene works well.
Rinse your mouth out with water after you put anything besides water in your mouth.
You may rinse with an alcohol free mouthwash such as Biotene no more than once a day.
Having crushed ice chips/Ice water on hand, also works very well to help reduce swelling and discomfort.
The more hydrated you are, the faster your swelling will go down.
Drinking water is going to be the best thing you can do while trying to heal a new piercing. a healthy body is very important for the healing process.
What Is Normal/What can I Expect?
Redness, swelling, and some tenderness is normal for any piercing for the first few weeks.
A clear to yellowish discharge coming from the piercing channel is normal and can last until said piercing is completely healed. Itching may occur occasionally with healing piercings.
Bruising and or bleeding does happen occasionally and is not necessarily something to be concerned about.
What To Avoid?
Listerine or any alcohol based mouthwash
Self mixed sea salt solutions
Any kind of body of water. Lakes, oceans, ponds, bathtubs, swimming pools. Showers only for at least 3 months! Getting into dirty water will most likely end in infection.
Soaps of any kind
Antibacterial or Antimicrobial soaps or ointments
Tea Tree or Essential Oils.
Avoid Paper products such as q-tips or paper towels. The fibers on the q-tips can come off and enter your piercing site, if this happens it can cause some very intense irritation. Paper towels or any kind of towels sit out and harbor bacteria. If you feel you need to use something to clean the area a little better,, use pre-packaged sterile gauze pads.
Avoid sleeping directly on your new piercing. The pressure can not only change the angle of your piercing, but it can cause it to swell.
Do not rotate your jewelry!
If you have a new ear piercing, a thinner travel pillow works great to keep pressure off while you're sleeping. If you don’t have a travel pillow you can roll a clean cotton T-shirt or sheet up and place it around the ear so that when you lay on your side, there’s no direct pressure on your ear. Direct pressure can cause excessive swelling, redness and can even change the angle of your piercing if you haven't properly downsized your jewelry (This is very important! don't forget to come in for your downsize appointment.) Sleeping with your piercing inside the hole of the pillow keeps you comfy and your piercing happy and healthy.
Make sure to come in for your downsizing appointment. Problems can arise when jewelry does not fit properly.
Keep up with cleanliness and hygiene. Take showers daily and clean your bedding at least once a week. Always practice safe sex when healing a piercing, even if you are in a monogamous relationship. Use of condoms (without spermicide) and or dental dams are essential to keeping a healing piercing happy and healthy. Also, remember to listen to your body, if something feels uncomfortable, stop and move on to something else. Afterwards, remember to rinse well in the shower and maybe do another saline irrigation after sexual activities as well.
The less you mess with your piercing, the faster it will heal. Do not touch it! No rotating or moving back and forth. At some point your piercing might start to get itchy. This is totally normal and it’s best to try and ignore it completely. If you touch or scratch, you can irritate your piercing and that can lead to a snowball effect that can cause more issues to arise.
Avoid waxing/cutting/dying hair around areas your piercing is located. If you must get something done, make sure you remind your stylist so she can avoid snagging or getting product onto your piercing.
Loofahs snag very easily. Be mindful!
Do not touch or let others touch your piercing!
No swimming for at least 3 months, after the 3 months, bandage it up for another 3 if it's absolutely necessary to get into the water.
Avoid the sun as much as possible as well. If you are going to go out, keep your piercing covered and away from the sun. For example, a hat will keep the sun off of many facial piercings.
DO NOT take advice from friends/family. If you need help troubleshooting a piercing I've performed, do not hesitate to contact me through my contact page. Wound wash is available for purchase in shop!